Sunday, June 17, 2018

The Perish

Will you still call
Me home when
I lay in a heap of
Smoke and dust?
When my bones
Are frayed and my
Skin remains
Peeled at places.
When I lose
Everything at
Your feet.

~The Perish
By: Jaserah Syed
Instagram: @jaz_writes

I have not posted in a long time 
and I thought it was right, I got busy,
I apologize. 

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Missing You

Holding your hand.
Kissing your lips.
Feeling your warmth,
and your embrace.
I miss it. I miss you.
I miss us.

~Missing You
By: Cady

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Not You

Not speaking to you hurts like a knife.
Not seeing you hurts like my heart is torn apart.
Not feeling you near me hurts like there is not a sun.
Not holding your hand hurts like I'm on fire.
Not smelling your cologne hurts like frostbite.

~Not You
By: Cady

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Final Goodbye...

Hey darling,
Thank you for meeting me
we are destined to be
We promised,
the promise in good times and in
bad to make each one happy
rather than sad. 
You have shown me
how to live
how to dance
how to smile
You've my heart in your hands
You're someone I cannot critique,
as you always bring me relief.

Honey, come closer
Let me whisper something in your ear,
I promise to love you, every moment of forever
I promise to stay in the darkest storm,
because you're my lucky charm
Don't mind if I call you sweetheart
I love you from the depth of my heart.

But within all my love I have doubt,
So I let you go and I left you in the dust. 

~Final Goodbye
By: Cady