Saturday, March 4, 2017

Do I Love Him?

  Do I love the dark and twisty boy? He isn't good for me, and that is for sure. I know what love is, I've had it with a happy ending. Well, that was a lie, it was a tragic ending. The poor guy dies in a car accident. But I'm over him, I was going to break up with him before he had the accident. But That doesn't matter, what matters is how I feel about the dark and twisty winded Jason. I don't even really know who he is. I have not even spoken to him, all I did was stare and make a fool of myself. The other day, at the park, I saw him walking a cute little white fluffy doggy. He was so cute, the dog, not him, well I mean he himself is cute, but the dog was cuter. Anyway, he was walking the cutest dog possible.
~Do I Love Him?
By: Cady

      Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read this! I hope you enjoyed! Please comment down below what your honest complete thoughts are. Have a wonderful day! I post everyday except occasional Sunday's!

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