“I like this dress,” Emma said coming out of the dressing room to show me.
“I really like that one two,” I said referring to the long, pink, sleeveless dress with sequins on it.
“Great, then I am getting this one,” Emma exclaimed.
“Great, now we can go,” I said ready to walk to checkout.
“Not so fast we are going to look for a dress for you,” Emma said.
“No!” I said back.
“Yes and we are going to start now because it is impossible to find a dress for you,” Emma said back.
“I like to be impossible,” I said with a smile.
“Let's go!” Emma exclaimed.
{After check out and in the food court}
“Now we can eat! This is the only reason I come to the mall,” I said.
“I know but at least we found you a prom dress,” Emma said.
“I guess,” I said, “now lets get food.”
“Oh no look!” Emma exclaimed almost fainting.
“What? Whats wrong?” I asked worried.
“Its Peter the guy I want to ask out,” Emma said excitedly.
“Peter! I guess he is cute but, he is a basketball player and hangs out with that group of guys,” I said.
“Yeah so? What do you have against those guys?” Emma asked.
“Nothing, but they are sometimes mean at other kids. I mean the other day I got hit with a basketball to my head,” I said.
“Well you told me that was on accident. So I am going over there to talk to him. You coming?” Emma asked.
“No I am going to stay here and eat pretzels,” I said plopping one into my mouth.
“Okay be right back,” Emma said and ran off.
“Well I hope she will be alright,” I said to myself. “And if she needs help she will probably write to secret cupid which is good cause it's me.”
“Oh no!” I said falling to the ground and dropping my pretzels. “Oww!” I said.
“Are you okay?” I heard someone ask, “You have a habit of falling don’t you.”
“Well it seems that way,” I said remembering that voice.
“Here let me help you,” Zack said.
~Secret Cupid: Mall and Boys - Part 1
By: Abby
To Be Continued…