Friday, March 31, 2017

Secret Cupid: Mall and Boys - Part 1

“I like this dress,” Emma said coming out of the dressing room to show me.
“I really like that one two,” I said referring to the long, pink, sleeveless dress with sequins on it.
“Great, then I am getting this one,” Emma exclaimed.
“Great, now we can go,” I said ready to walk to checkout.
“Not so fast we are going to look for a dress for you,” Emma said.
“No!” I said back.
“Yes and we are going to start now because it is impossible to find a dress for you,” Emma said back.
“I like to be impossible,” I said with a smile.
“Let's go!” Emma exclaimed.
{After check out and in the food court}

“Now we can eat! This is the only reason I come to the mall,” I said.
“I know but at least we found you a prom dress,” Emma said.
“I guess,” I said, “now lets get food.”
“Oh no look!” Emma exclaimed almost fainting.
“What? Whats wrong?” I asked worried.
“Its Peter the guy I want to ask out,” Emma said excitedly.  
“Peter! I guess he is cute but, he is a basketball player and hangs out with that group of guys,” I said.
“Yeah so? What do you have against those guys?” Emma asked.
“Nothing, but they are sometimes mean at other kids. I mean the other day I got hit with a basketball to my head,” I said.
“Well you told me that was on accident. So I am going over there to talk to him. You coming?” Emma asked.
“No I am going to stay here and eat pretzels,” I said plopping one into my mouth.
“Okay be right back,” Emma said and ran off.
“Well I hope she will be alright,” I said to myself. “And if she needs help she will probably write to secret cupid which is good cause it's me.”
“Oh no!” I said falling to the ground and dropping my pretzels. “Oww!” I said.
“Are you okay?” I heard someone ask, “You have a habit of falling don’t you.”
“Well it seems that way,” I said remembering that voice.
“Here let me help you,” Zack said.

~Secret Cupid: Mall and Boys - Part 1
By: Abby

To Be Continued…

Spying in Love - Liliana

Chapter 3 - Liliana

               We took a limo to the palace where we would be staying for the masquerade ball. Only to watch out for Jackson, the escape prisoner that happens to be planning to kill the prince at the ball. Austin's alias is Austin, a friend of mine. I had to wear a pink puffy dress to this thing. But under it I get to wear leather pants, boots, a jacket, and under the jacket a comfy, cotton, dark teal tank top. It was so adorable, I love it. I also had a gun just in case I had to use force. When we got to the palace I went to change. When I came out with my crystal earrings dangling from my ears and my crystal necklace hanging from my neck I saw Austin. He had his hair combed back for once, staring at me with his sky blue eyes wide.
       "It's rude to stare!" I said with my eyes rolling in annoyance.
       "Sorry! It's just that you look stunning!" He said looking me up and down, while straightening his dark blue jacket. 
       "All right, let's go and be on the lookout!" I said as I lead the way. 
By: Grace

(Continuation of Spying in Love)

Tune in every Thursday to keep reading this ravishing story.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

A Life In Danger - Part 2

One-day later I was awake...                               

       I awoke in a hospital bed. I don’t know why I’m in a hospital bed, but what I do know is that I’m awake. I don’t know where my family is, I also don’t know why I’m here. But I hope that someone will tell me why I’m here and how I got here. Someone was walking towards me. Are they going to help me or kill me? Just then I saw someone standing right in front of me.
      Then I said, “Hello, how are you? Are you a doctor?
     “No, I’m not a doctor, I’m…. I’m here to….to...” He said.
      He was stumbling on his words, so I decided to interrupt him and say:
     “So, who are you? And are you here to help me or not?”
     "Well yes and no.” He answered, and he started stumbling again with his words.
     “You’re not here to help me, now are you?” I asked.
     “No.” He said.
     “What is your name? And why are you here?” I asked.

      He answered quietly, “You're right, I’m not here to help you. I’m here to…"
      Then the doctor walked in and said, “Oh, hello, do you want me to stand out side of the room until you are done talking?”
      “Yes please."  He said.
      “Yes, that is fine.” I said. “What were you saying?” I asked
      “Yea, that’s right, my name is Tyler, and I’m here to kill you.” He said.
      I jumped out of the hospital bed and stood right beside the bed. Right then and there, I knew I was in danger. Then Tyler pulled out a gun and aimed it at me.
      “You are never to go see the light of day again.” He said.

~A Life In Danger - Part 2
By: Aubrey

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Fame or No Fame? - Part 3

I had made her day. She then picked up her phone and called him. She said yes to a five book contract, and they were only her blog posts. Her friends posts too, but of course she had to get them to sign first. They all signed the contract the next Monday. They went to the corporate Missouri office three hours out of town and signed the contract. If the blog posts were a series they would go one after another. She and her friends agreed. She is going to have five books packed full of stories, real and unreal, fantasy and reality. I will be buying all five books, and with the two hundred posts she has on that blog at the moment, she, her friends, and maybe even her blog will become famous.
~Fame or No Fame?
By: Cady

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Fame or No Fame? - Part 2

That is it’s exact words, and after I read that I went to her blog and read all her previous posts. She and her friends wrote amazing short stories, a little too romantic for my taste, but they are beautifully written. That is what I left as an anonymous comment, and she replied thank you. But even I knew she was just being humble, because after she said thank you she deleted the comment and added they aren’t that good.
So, guess what I did… I did a very stupid thing. I called my friend, he is a publisher and I told him to look at the blog. He did and when he called me back he wanted and author name and phone number. I gave him her name, full name, but let’s be honest, I didn’t have her phone number. That is when he told me he found an email on the blog he could contact. He did, he sent her an email and she opened it and she smiled so big her teeth were like pearls.

~Fame or No Fame
By: Cady

Friday, March 24, 2017

Fame or No Fame? - Part 1

One day, there was a young girl, she was sitting on a park bench. She didn’t know me or if I even existed, but I knew her. I have been watching from here for a few weeks now, I just sit here and sketch her. She is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, she is magnificent. But she doesn’t know me, and I don’t think she ever will. The next day I sat on the bench across from her, and she didn’t really notice me, I mean she acknowledged me. She was there coding a game on her laptop. I only know she was coding because I moved and sat on one of the benches a little ways behind her. It looked like a virtual reality or something. I couldn’t really tell, but that is what it looked like through my binoculars. Then she pulled up a blog and started typing a post. It said:

I have been working on something I am positive all of you will love. It just so happens I was working on it before I remembered I want to post on my blog today. I am not going to what it is, or if it is done or not, but I will tell you when it is. I plan to finish this within the next two weeks. Please just be patient with me and for now you are in suspense, and I can’t wait to share it with you! Have a wonderful day!  

~Fame or No Fame
By: Cady

Secret Cupid: Emma

Sometimes love can only be spoken not acted out.
~Secret Cupid

{The Next Day}

“Hi Abby!” my best friend Emma said.
“Hi Emma! Why do you look so happy?” I asked.
“Well, I sent a letter to Secret Cupid the other day about how I should ask a boy to prom and she responded!” Emma exclaimed.
“Who do you like? You never told.” I said.
“No matter what only matters is that she responded. Look! She basically said that I should just ask him and not to something to big and extraordinary,” Emma said excitedly.  
“I can see that,” I said looking at the letter I wrote her, “This is like your 5th guy this month.”
“I am sure about this guy! And besides you wouldn’t understand. You don’t like boys,” she said.
“I never said I didn’t like boys, I said the boys at our school are stupid,” I said back
“Same thing,” she said, “You have to like someone.”
“No,” I said but then thought of Zack.
“Well then can we go to the mall now?” she asked.
“Yes,” I said. And I went to the mall with Zack on my mind.

~Secret Cupid: Emma
By: Abby

Tune in every Friday!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Spying in Love - Austin

Chapter 2 - Austin

“Yes!” I thought in my head as I glanced over at Liliana and noticed that she was glaring at me through her green- blue eyes. She then tossed her strawberry-blonde hair over her shoulder and turned her back to me to talk to her friend. I have had a crush on her ever since the third grade at Victoria Island Elementary School (tiny school by the way) and after that I never had eyes for anyone else. Then we both got chosen to be teen spies and I never got my chance to ask her out. But this was my one chance to win her over because we would be working together. For a spy that is eighteen she takes her job very seriously. Who takes a job seriously at 18? You need to be having fun at 18 before you go to college. I have known her for years and she has always thought I was funny. But not anymore, I mean what happened?   

By: Grace
(Continuation of Spying in Love)

Tune in every Thursday for this ravishing story!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

A Life in Danger! - Part 1

      I looked back up, and by the time that I did there was a sound in my ears. It was ringing so loud that If someone was talking to me I wouldn't be able to hear them. My head was pounding and my lip was bleeding. Then I looked around and I saw someone right in front of me. They were trying to say something to me, but I couldn’t hear what they were saying. So, I tried to say something, but the words that I was trying to say were not coming out. I tried to say something again but still nothing came out. Then, I tried to stand but I fell right back down. Just then I saw someone running to me, it was my best friend from my….my NBA league. I could not see that well, then I saw that I was on an NBA basketball court. Then, everything went black. I was out... 
~A Life in Danger Part 1
By: Aubrey

Tune in every Wednesday for this series.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Stalker or Ex

        Love. What is love exactly? You say I love you to your family, husband, and boyfriends/girlfriends. But does anyone really know what it is? I could give you my opinion, the opinion of a gothic high school girl. But first let me introduce myself, I'm Hanna, Hanna Loversheart and I am sixteen. Yes, I am goth, or so other people call me, I just mainly wear black, doesn't mean I'm in a cult, or do drugs. Black is just slimming. I am a reader and writer and what doesn't make sense is love. I've read so many romance novels, they always profess their love but someone is always being hurt. While I was laying on my bed thinking this, I saw a little note stuck to the outside of my window. I got up and took it, I opened it and it was a love letter... Kind of... It read:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet,
And so are you,
But the roses are wilting,
The sugar bowl is empty,
And so is my love for you.

       This letter creeped me out just a little, I took it to school and showed my friends, but the thing is, they were extremely creeped out. They told me if I get another one to tell someone, and that's when I opened my locker and a ton of rose pedals fell out. The letter is taped to my books. It read:

Hanna, I love you.
Why did you break up with me?

        Then I knew, it was Ian who was practically stalking me, I broke up with him over a week ago. I am over and done with him.
~Stalker or Ex?
By: Cady

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Pages of the Heart

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Love doesn't just sit there,
It must be made new,
It has to be written in the pages of the heart,
Beginning the love of people new,
Blank pages of the heart.

~Pages of the Heart
By: Cady

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Secret Cupid: The Boy

   “Ow!” I yelled walking through the gym until I got hit with a basketball.
   “Sorry!” I heard a boy say. When I looked up the boy was running towards me or the basketball. He had shaggy black hair and ocean blue eyes.
   “You might want to watch where you are going next time.” He said.
   “Well, I wouldn’t have to if you basketball guys didn’t throw the ball at me.” I said.
   “So a girl who can talk for herself. Well then it is my truest apology that the ball came over and hit you.” He said trying to be funny.
   “Well then I accept your apology and I am truly sorry basketball for my head hitting you.” I said trying to be funny back.
   “Zach! Come on!” I heard the basketball guys yell.
   “Well I must be off!” He said. He took my hand, kissed it and said, “Until next time mysterious girl!” And with that he bowed and left back to hi friends.
   “So his name is Zach.” I said quietly to myself.

~Secret Cupid: The Boy
By: Abby

(Continuation of Secret Cupid)

    Hey guys! I hope you liked my story today. Remember to leave a comment on what you thought and tune in every Friday for my short series Secret Cupid. Thanks for reading! Sorry, I (cady) meant to post this yesterday and never got to it, super sorry.)

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Spying in Love - Liliana

  Chapter 1 - Liliana

           "Are you serious?" I cried in horror when I heard I would be working with the biggest joke in spy history, Austin Green. He is always cracking lame jokes and never takes his job seriously. One time he let the most infamous villain get away with 4.3 billion dollars. Although, he is kind of cute with his auburn brown hair and light blue eyes. But that is besides the obvious point. He NEVER takes ANYTHING seriously!
~Spying in Love - Liliana
By: Grace

     This is a love story by Grace and will be continued every Thursday! Thank you for reading, enjoy, and come back on a daily basis to read other stories!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Cold Hearted Lover?

   I'm the kind of girl who is, some would call, boy crazy! Yesterday I was thinking about Ethan, I got butterflies in my stomach and I'm sure my eyes became a lot like a starry night. But today, I've thought of him, and I feel absolutely nothing. Why are things like this confusing and irritating? It brings me to the brink of yelling and screaming my head off. I actually don't feel anything for anyone, except sympathy for some, actually that's a lie. Like Kevin says, I am cold hearted and do not care about anything, and it's kind of true. I'm not cold hearted when knowing what you feel is not the same as not feeling anything and being cold hearted. Let's be honest, if I don't care it is mainly because I don't want to get hurt, I am guarding my heart. I actually like Kevin, it's just I say I don't care cause I don't want to get hurt, by him or anyone.
~Cold Hearted Lover?
By: Cady

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Artist Advertisement

      This post is dedicated to my brothers art. You are able to by it at - the site is only under construction at the moment, but please go check it out! More pictures are to come!


Confession Time

    High school is only a few months away. I am nervous, and anxious but mainly kind of scared. I am probably going to grow apart from my five friends, and not see them as much. Two of them are even going to different schools than three of us. I know I won't make seeing them a priority, it will always be an after thought. That is what I did to my friend, let's call her Lily. I moved schools with my friend, lets call her Gwen, and I don't get to see Lily or talk as often. I text her occasionally, but my homework, or blog, or Instagram consumes my time. I post daily on my blog and Instagram. I am one of those social media zombies like in the picture from my blog post "Why Do We Have Social Media?" I am always busy, never a moment for a friend, not one that I'm close to anymore. That's what I think high school is going to be. I may gain friends, but they won't be like Gwen or one of my other friends. I miss Lily, I want to talk to her, but I just don't have time anymore. I think I am going to be even more busy in high school. I ask my friends what they feel about high school, they all say excited or slightly nervous, I agree and don't say what I really feel. When in reality, I am FREAKING out inside. I don't say it because I don't want to be a downer on the group, I don't want to make them deal with how I feel about it. One day, we were at lunch and high school came up about how we will change. While they were all talking I was writing this, what you are reading now. I'm not good with change, or new people, I'm shy and inverted. I keep to myself while I live in a world of love and happiness and romance, all in another world. Books. When I meet new people, I don't talk to them, I read by myself. This is how I express how I feel, by my writing, through stories. But this is a confession time, and I don't think you really care about a strangers life, which you are reading. But I needed to express it.
~Confession Time
By: Cady

      This is just a fictional story, I wrote this to explain how most people feel going into high school. This is complete fiction and it isn't my life. Please tune in tomorrow for something new! I post everyday except occasional Sunday's! Friday there will be a continuation of Secret Cupid!

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Her Boyfriend-The Jerk

        We all have that one best friend who we obsess over on their birthday. It's mainly because you want to get her gift right. You need it to be absolutely perfect! Well, this month is my best friends birthday month. I am getting her three books, because she loves to read, and a pop socket for her phone, I'm sure she will get. I am going to wrap each and every book with the socket in one of them, and put them in box after box. It will be funny to watch her open one after another after another. Plus, my parents are giving her a card with some money in it. But I keep asking her boyfriend what he's getting her, and he doesn't even have a clue yet. I have given him three lists, all of thirty ideas and he hasn't even looked at them. I certainly do not like her boyfriend what so ever, but she won't listen to me. She says "I am in love with him!" and she doesn't listen. I can't get through to her and if I don't she is going to get her heart broken, and she will bee in so much pain. I guess she has to learn the hard way unfortunately.
~Her boyfriend-the jerk
By: Cady

What Word, Look, Touch, or Sentence?

   If one single Word could make a nation fall, then what Word will bring us together?

If one Look could make a water stream stop, then could one Look at you make your heartbeat stop?

And if one Touch could make a mountain move, then could one Touch make shivers go through you?

So if one Sentence could make a dumb person speak, then could a single Sentence make you say, “I love you,” to me.  

~What Word, Look, Touch, or Sentence?
By: Abby

          Hey guys! Sorry this wasn't a story, but I thought I would share a poem I wrote. Hope you like it and don’t forget to leave a comment on what you think! I will do a short story next time!

Love, Life, and Visions

      I've been having intense dreams lately, almost like they are visions. I feel what they feel, I see what they see, I hear what they hear, and it's like every sense they have I have. Sometimes it just hurts too, heartbreak, or broken bone, either way it hurts. As I close my eyes and fall asleep, I could see him. He was tall, and strong, he stood watching the house burn and collapse. Then he looked over, he saw her laying there on the ground. Lifeless, her chest not moving up and down, she was pale, cold even. Her eyes a void like her soul has left. Her hair matted to her face with blood running down her cheek. The he noticed, one single tear fell from the corner of her eye. He knew she was gone. I woke up so fast my eyes were not able to focus. I had beads of sweat on my forehead and my hair was damp. I got up to get a glass of water and went back to bed. This time was sweet, I saw a girl walking down the stairs, at a mall. She ran into this boy, just a little bump. He has light brown hair that looks sort of blondish. His eyes were mesmerizing, to her and to me. His eyes, they were like pools of pure blue. They were a light blue with flecks if even lighter blue. This boy left her in awe. But she noticed she was thinking all this while falling. She was plummeting to the lower floor as her bags had already made it down. Every dream I have I write in a special journal. I have come to know a lot about love yet I can't keep a boyfriend of my own.

~Love, Life, and Visions?
By: Cady


      Rain. One drop begins an ocean. But millions of drops keep the ocean alive. It creates a habitat for beautiful sea creatures. Rain comes with thunderstorms, and hurricanes. But sometimes it just rains. Sure, it is wet and gross and becomes humid as it dries. Then it doesn't seem like a blessing, but it is. Rain is like people. Each drop is one person. Each drop wants to be noticed, like people want attention. When multiple drops work together they make something bigger than themselves, like an ocean. But when it is by itself, it is only a drop of water. But rain, alone or together, is beautiful and I feel like it represents people in life.

By: Cady

     Thank you for reading my little story! Please leave your honest and complete thoughts in the comments. I try to post everyday except on occasional Sunday's! I am sorry if you didn't like this, I will not be doing posts like this often, I just felt a relation between rain and people. Again Thank you for reading and come back tomorrow to see what's next.

Secret Cupid: The Cupid

       Could a single word simply be written out or spoken out loud? Confusing, right? Yeah, that's what I do, I write love. Well, more like a cryptic letter or story. I know a lot about love, but I never really was interested in it myself. I was, what I thought, in love at one point, and that was when I was naïve. For every normal person, we think we are in love, I thought I was. Which apparently was a mistake, (if you can tell there is a sigh of disappointment in there, for myself). Long story short, he didn’t think the same way as I did and broke my heart while moving on. He didn't even tell me we were breaking up, he just walked on to the next girl. I soon decided love for me was not meant to be. Now for everyone else, I soon was giving advice through my letters or poems I wrote to them. I became what the school called the "Secret Cupid." No one knew who the Secret Cupid was (hence the word secret) all they had to do was write a letter about their problem and Secret Cupid would answer. They always hide their letters in a place I could easily find them. People like the letters because it does not give them a straight answer to their problem. Like the sentence above, there is a meaning behind it. And from what I can see the letters are working. But for me, I don’t have a Secret Cupid to help me with love. I guess I will know love when it hits me in the face.

~Secret Cupid: The Cupid
By: Abby

     Hey guys! I know that my other posts weren’t stories but this one is! I am starting a new short story series on Secret Cupid! Will she ever find her true love? Will she be found out? Will she give bad answers? Find out by tuning in and reading my stories every Friday! Maybe your love is not too far way.

Why Do We Have Social Media?

    New beginnings are hard to come by. I mean a baby is born every second, there is one being born right this moment. But for some grown up who posted something that maybe wasn't right or just made a bad mistake, he or she can't change that. They can't start somewhere new. Somewhere no one will look up who you are. Look up your Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, or twitter. Unless you are in complete solitude. Unless you are a hermit. But why be alone and anti-social? Why not just take social media out of your life? Well, I have one simple answer. It's never completely gone and hiding won't fix a single thing. Only because people on social media are ruthless. They are that way because they can hide behind a screen hating on everyone. But why do they hate on everyone? Well, I can't answer that because I don't know. I believe in second chances, people don't give them but I believe in them. Not starting somewhere new, or solitude like a hermit. Second chance like I forgive you, but you need to make me believe I can trust you again. Almost like a job, you have to earn it, work for what you want. It's only a mistake that was made. But why is it social media has taken over our lives? It's there forever and you can't delete everything once it's there. Why have it if what you post is permanent, it spreads so fast. Why have a mistake follow you the rest of your life? These are questions I can't answer, because I don't know. And with social media in our lives beginning again, in any way, is hard if not impossible.

~Why Do We Have Social Media?
By: Cady

      I am guilty of having social media as you probably do. I am not saying go delete your Instagram or whatever, but I am just questioning why we use it. I'd honestly like to know what you think. Please tell me in the comments what you think and why you use social media. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

Why Do We Do This?

    You don't think a simple high school girl would love art or photography. But I do, I love architecture, photography, and art. Painting is soothing and calming, taking pictures is complicated and complex because everything is always moving, and architecture is complex yet simple. Why are people stereo typed? People say girls are weak, and dumb, but as a girl people don't know what we girls go through. The drama, the pain of a breakup, all the work we do around the house, all the baby diapers we change. Unless you are a girl you don't understand that. A lot isn't girl or boy, it's a lot more of nerd, jock, mean girl, skin color and many more. It is sad the world we live in, we can't just accept everyone, they have to be grouped and be put down for something they can't control. Why can't everyone just be civilized and accept one another instead of fight and hate?

~Why Do We Do This?
By: Cady

     Thank you for reading, please give me your thoughts in the comments. I am sorry if you did not like this post, I was trying to write about a high school girl and her life, but this came through. I portrayed this instead of what I had intended to write. I will not be posting things like this all the time, but this just happened and I think it turned out better than I thought at first. Again, thank you and comment below! I try to post everyday except occasional Sunday's.